F.D. Abraham, R.H. Abraham, & C.D. Shaw

A Visual Introduction to
Dynamical Systems Theory for Psychology

Santa Cruz: Aerial Press. 1990.
"The Yellow Book"

This book attempts two main tasks. It provides an introduction to the basic features of dynamical modeling using the visual approach of R. Abraham & C.D. Shaw, condensing their great 4 vol. classic into the first half of this book. It also provides some possible applications to over 26 areas of psychology, from biological to social, from Jung to behaviorism. It explains the four basic cornerstones of dynamical modeling: dynamical systems (vectorfields and trajectories and portraits), dynamical schemes (changes in dynamical systems as a function of a control parameter; bifurcation theory), complex dynamical systems (networks), and self-organization (networks with self-control feedbacks). It presents the basic characteristics of chaos. It points out the advantages of interactive termporal multivariate modeling and some of the philosophy of science issues involved. It does not go into data analysis although it points out the revolution in experimental design and analysis opportunities it presents all fields of psychology. It is now a bit dated in its applications since much of the related research has occurred subsequent to its publication, but remains a good motivator for its use in virtually any area of psychology. It proposes dynamics as a universal language and modeling strategy for better communication and a balance between diversity and unity within psychology.

Brief Description
The Reader (1995)

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