green spiral m-sg4-0106

Joel Henkel
Bob Eldridge
Mark Filippi
Martin Gardiner
Dana Gaynor
Jeff Goldstein
Matthijs Koopmans
Carlos Torre
Valerie Maholmes
Rick Paar
Karen Vanderven
Frank Mosca

Kathleen Moffett-Durrett
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Since terrorists are organized in networks of cells, one might expect that recent progress in understanding the dynamics of complex "small world" networks might be of potential help. Valdis Krebs writes:

"Before we fight the enemy we need to 'see' and better understand the enemy... map their networks, figure out their 'patterns' for organizing."

He has identified three competing goals of a terrorist network:

1. Establish efficient communication and information flow within and between many cooperating cells by minimizing path length throughout the network.

2. Limit discovery and monitoring of the network from outsiders by minimizing the number of communication links in the network.

3. Limit damage when a node is discovered or removed from the network by minimizing the number of direct ties each node has. (from Complexity Digest: Our Complexity Digest Page )

Introduction To Experiential Reality
Joel Henkel

Possibility of a Generalized Type of Reality

Current science does not question the objective notion of reality. Philosophical solipsism and its variation, the bishop Berkeley's idealism, the idea that only the individual person is real, is rejected as silly. Psychology and the mental disciplines distinguish the subjective from the objective. The subjective is less real than the objective, because it private and is subject to illusion. The notion of objective reality is so strong that to entertain alternative possible types of reality seems to be quite fruitless and pointless. Yet, questioning objective reality holds promise for resolving a number of philosophical and physical puzzles, particularly the mind body problem, or the subjective objective duality and the wave/particle puzzle of quantum observation. Einstein's relativity has two forms. Special relativity is limited to local regions of space-time with flat space-time, while its global version, general relativity allows curved space-time. In the same sense, special or single existence level ontological reality is limited to the classical observation of inanimate systems. An extended version, including the role of the observer, uses a generalization into a two existence level structured ontological reality, potentiality and actuality, so that the observer can be included consistently in the picture of ontological reality.

Special Ontological Reality

We seem incapable of denying the common sense notion that the world around us exists outside us and independent of our observation of it. This is the single level ontological view of reality. Philosophers have formalized the discipline of single level ontology as the study of that which does or does not exist. We can call this special ontology. This form satisfies the requirement of classical or mechanistic physics. Mechanistic systems can be analyzed into finite, discrete component parts which interact according to equations of motion. In single-level ontology and mechanistic physics, space-time can be factored into two separate components, space and time. Quantum mechanics extends special ontology and mechanistic physics to the inanimate microworld, where molecules, atoms and particles are treated as discrete component parts.

Generalized Ontological Reality

Special ontology fails to satisfy the open system requirement of living systems. Organisms continuously interact with their environments. Special ontology, limited to mechanistic closed system physics with discrete component parts, cannot handle the disturbing influence of the external environment. However, a generalization of single existence level ontology to a two level existential hierarchy, with a lower level of potentiality and an upper level of actuality, can be used to describe living systems. The corresponding physics can be called meta-mechanistic or ecological. One property of living systems is that, in addition to spatial correlation into structures, they contain temporal correlation as well. Thus, unlike mechanistic systems that can be factored into spatial structure and temporal function, meta-mechanistic systems demand that space-time be considered as a continuum and cannot be factored into space and time aspects.

Process in Generalized Ontological Reality

Factoring space-time into structure and function allows the application of equations of motion to physical systems, where spatial structure, described in terms of 'states', follows a time-evolution. In general ontology, no such factoring is possible, so the notion of states must be replaced by some formalism in terms of a space-time continuum outside mechanistic dynamics. Now, we need to replace the formalism of a dynamical evolution spatial structures, emphasizing the ontological existence values of states. The new formalism has an underlying philosophy of experiential process. An experiential process in space-time is not time-reversible, but must be time irreversible, since the unknown effects of a controlling environment prevent any dynamical reversibility. It turns out that there is a ready-made quantum field theoretic process, invariance symmetry breaking, that can be directly applied to describe living biological systems in quantum formalism.

Hierarchy of Two Types of Experiential Process: Representation and Presentation

Generalized ontological reality requires demandstwo types of observer, a primitive non-conceptual proto-mind observer and a human conceptual observer. Each generates its own version of reality. The reality described by words is limited to human conceptual observers, which models the world in terms of conceptual categories represented by word code/symbols. The reality of non-conceptual proto-mind
present in all organisms, even single-celled ones, uses a new mode of 'stands for'. Internal models the world consist of frequency difference patterns associated with biological processes stand for some external environmental frequency difference pattern. Such a process needs a new name; it is presentation. Model patterns present environmental patterns.

Conceptual experience involves logical reasoning and abstraction, while proto-mind experience involves psycho-somatic phenomena, affect, emotion, and motor behavior, among other functions.

Experiential Process as Bateson Loop

As organisms experience, according to the generalized ontological view, they continuously promote potentiality, that which might happen, to actuality, that which does happen. The experiential process takes the form of a closed, circular Bateson feedback loop in the space-time continuum, where organism and environment are considered as an unbroken whole. Space-time correlations cross any apparent boundary separating organism and environment. Perceived difference in space-time environmental vibrational pattern are used to continuously update an internal model of the world, by triggering QFT invariance symmetry breakings in the organism. The internal model of the world, even in an individual cell, consists of a quantum condensation of water molecules into a Bose condensation. This condensation catalyzes biochemical processes that make up the motor behavioral arc of the Bateson loop. go topside

Go to Joel's Organicist View compared to Mae-Wan Ho

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How Do People Make Sense of Things If The Universe Is Infinite?
Derek Paar
Springfield College

The only irrefutable statement that I may make about the universe is: The
Universe Is.  A universe that simply "is" must always and forever exist just
outside of our reach for to touch it would be to limit it and a limited
universe would violate the premise that The Universe Is.  So, how is it that
any of us make sense of such a universe?  I will try my best to present a
logical explanation of what such a universe must be like and how, by way of
opposition and negation, we create all that we experience.

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Roundtable Discussion Proposal: The Unmarked Complexity of Attention
Mark R. Filippi, DC

Attention, as a clinical, cultural and bionomic process often gets discounted and pigeon-holed into what Trigant Burrow called, the “mental penciling upon an item, whether actual object or retained image”. In fact, attention works as an ecosomatic [organism-environment] system that, as Burrow reminded us…“originally represented far more a coordination of the organism with the object than a directing of its interest at the object.” (1937) Our discussion can center on how the dynamics of attention can be better addressed through NDS, memetics and neuroscience. How can improved awareness of the complexity of attention help us unravel what lies beneath the surface of our present social, political, and spiritual dilemmas? What can we learn and why? red ball go topside

Key Words
analinear, functional symmetry, 80/20 principle, vertebral acoustics, somatics

The Full Service School: Applying Non-Linear Dynamical Systems
Theory to School Reform Issues . An Informal Education Roundtable.
Karen VanderVen, Carlos Torre, Valerie Maholmes ( from Yale Child Study Center)-
& Others who wish to join in.
(This work is the fruition of work conceived at the first Blueberry Brain Institute's Winter Chaos Conference in Craftsbury VT, 1993, where Karen and Carlos met.)

Playthings, Pattern, and Non-Linear Dynamical Systems. This would
discuss the premise that the most pressing attribute needed of children
of the future is pattern perception (there's actually documentation for
this). Thie presentation would show how increasing complexity and
non-linearity in playthings can promote this attribute, and give
examples from the "manipulative" line of children's playthings, including
some "Penrose tiles" type blocks. I'd actually bring the materials along.
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Frank Mosca

This presentation/roundtable contribution will attempt to complement some of the themes already in place on the conference agenda. As always, my focus will be on what I call the dread of freedom as the primary ingredient in all such movements. The attempt to control the world by creating enforced likemindedness that rests either on the promise of a utopian tomorrow to reward the labors and agonies of the struggling masses, as was the case in the last several centuries of putatively non-religious revolutionary ideology, or the more traditional promise of heavenly bliss as a martyr or simply as a compliant citizen of the theocratic societies established to guide the masses to their heavenly reward , no matter what the cost to them [ah, the painful labors of the loving inquisitors :)] . Marx got it more or less right when he said "religion is the opium of the people"; what he just didn't see was that he was one of the biggest ideological drug dealers on the planet himself. Of course what I see as a solution will be proffered [I have my own drugs after all :)], a combination of my own home brewed freedom based dialogue method, combined with the Bohmian social dialoguing designed to demythologize and bring peacefully, but uncompromisingly into the light, the ground state assumptions that fuel these destructive perspectives and delay our readiness to move on to so much more interesting things as a species.   red ball go topside

The relationship between schizophrenia and family interaction: Twelve hypotheses derived from n-bind theory

Matthijs Koopmans

N-bind theory proposes that the symptoms of schizophrenia are associated with dysfunctional patterns of family interaction and argues that the principles of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems theory can be used to understand the origins of such patterns. On previous occasions, the merits of n-bind have been argued using NDS to demonstrate the internal consistency of the theory. This presentation will focus on measurement issues. Specifically, twelve hypotheses derived from n-bind will briefly reviewed. These hypotheses concern the occurrence of n-bind indicators in families with schizophrenic members, the social isolation of dysfunctional families, the personality of schizophrenic patients, and the typical responses of families to distressing life events.  red ball go topside

Changing Lenses: Homelessness as Self-Organization
Kathleen Moffett-Durrett, MSSW, CSW
Doctoral Student, Kent School of Social Work
Louisville, Kentucky (abstracted from a larger paper by fda)

Hudson (2000) issued a call for the development of a new paradigm for social work practice under the rubric of chaos theory. It seems that the assumptions derived from chaos and complex systems theory would be a productive and innovative way of looking at homeless people and program interventions (a complex system). This author’s current work in homelessness has stimulated an interest in clarifying and expanding Hudson’s ideas by looking at increasing homelessness as an emergent phenomenon in contemporary culture. Homelessness has been approached within a macrosystems perspective—rendering individual homeless persons featureless and, concurrently, voiceless. Funding and services decisions for homeless persons are based on this macrodescription, one that imposes a mental health and/or substance abuse profile on all homeless people. Standish (2001) defines emergent phenomenon as “. . .simply one that is described by atomic concepts available in the macrolanguage, but [that] cannot be so described in the microlanguage” (p. 1). Mental health needs and substance abuse are, thereby, the implicit emergent phenomena for all homelessness.

In using this macrolevel description for the body homeless, it becomes inherently impossible to assess the unique components of individual systems and ultimately impossible to know in a relative or temporal sense stressors immediately precedent to homelessness. By assessing microlevel input, chaos theory can address this discrepancy by recording the complex and unpredictable dynamics that precede homelessness (Ditto, 1997-2000), for as Warren, Franklin, and Streeter (1998) emphasize, “. . .the nonlinearity inherent in complex systems means that a small input can bring about a large output, if the input occurs at the right time and the right place” (p. 364).

Self-organization in this study will be reported in terms of feeling that one possesses the capacity and resources to cope with adversity; loss of self-organization is that point where this feeling is lost. In the vernacular self-organization is the ability to “keep on” ; absence of self-organization is that point at which the respondent has “lost it.” Return to self-organization is reentering a state of feeling the ability to “keep on.” By using an affective self-reported measure, the problem of coping levels (organization by design) being imposed on the client system is avoided and allowance is made for variations in capacity for personal system maintenance. The move back to self-organization is as complex as the chaotic state disruption. While becoming housed is the focus of this study and will be, ipso facto, an element in the reorganization towards control, it is conceivable that it will not be the reorganizing element perceived and reported by the respondent as the “attractor” for coping. For example, an abuse victim may report the courage to file a restraining order as the turning point in regaining a stable state. Because the interest in this study is the population which utilizes shelter services it will be fruitful to understand what respondents see as the attractor before or during shelter. It will not be possible to generalize to the non-shelter population though a future comparison of self-reported attractors between the shelter user and the person who does not use shelter could be very revealing.
Self-(Re)organization may, as can be seen, be triggered by any intervention or treatment and an important component of the study will be asking people what was going on in their lives when they returned to a stable state.

Research goals
1. A lexicon of precipitating events for onset of homelessness will be developed, this will include incidences of mental and physical health crises, including substance abuse.
2. Using mapping techniques and iteration, patterns of self-organization will be described and inspected for commonalities.
3. Additional hypothetical statements will develop from the lexicon of precipitating events and patterns of self-organization among newly homeless persons.

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 created 1/11/2001 by fda
updated 1/10/02 by fda