The Old Goats' Club

Gardner Lane Painting


The Old Goats' Club is the result of the evolution of the trail activities through the 1990s by Gardiner Lane and Clem Holden and their friends. We are devoted to the camaraderie of enjoying wilderness trails by cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, and hiking, the preparation and maintenance of trails in central Vermont, and the off-piste gourmet activities of the pot latch.


Gardiner & Clem 1995

gardner & clem



Photo Galleries

circa 1995

Woodard 2002

Trail clearing 2003

Goat trail feb 8, 2004

Trail clearing 2004






Coming Events

Trail Clearing Schedule 2007

Clem Party
June 1, 2008

Trail Clearing Schedule 2009


created 12/19/01; updated 5/31/08 fda; 9/14/09 fda
send photos, items, and coming events for the page to fred: