by Christine Hardy
Forthcoming book of Greenwood Press

Testimony by Fred Abraham

Christine Hardy has proposed a bold, innovative approach to the dynamics of meaning. Transcending the usual interdisciplinary boundaries, she seeks to capture the real richness and complexity of self and existence—from the individual mind, to its interactions with society and the environment at large. Based on the concept of semantic constellations, she introduces a novel cognitive architecture which can account for the personal and collective dynamics underlying the construction of meaning.
Like Kristeva—though Hardy is not a postmodern writer—her ideas center on both cognitive and emotional dynamical psychology, while pointing to important avenues for social change. I suspect these lines of inquiry will prove a popular direction for theorists who follow, and will challenge us all to enrich our thinking. The transformation and broadening of our mental frameworks comes with enormous responsibility. To quote Hardy: "Collectively, we co-create our culture and civilization, we inform the future of humanity." It is time we took this responsibility seriously.
